Monday, October 31, 2011

Closing Costs

Closing Costs, Palos Verdes and the South Bay 
Closing costs are the fees associated with buying or selling a home. Some fees are automatically assigned to either the buyer or the seller; other costs are negotiable or dictated by local custom.
Seller closing costs
If the seller has not yet paid for the house in full, the seller's most important closing cost is satisfying the remaining balance of their loan. Before the date of closing, the escrow officer will contact the seller's lender to verify the amount needed to close out the loan. Then the original loan will be paid at the closing before the seller receives any proceeds from the sale. Other seller closing costs include title insurance, broker's commission, property taxes, transfer taxes, and documentary stamps on the deed.
Buyer closing costs
When a buyer applies for a loan, lenders are required to provide an estimate of their closing costs. The fees vary based on several factors, including the type of loan they applied for and the terms of the purchase agreement. Some of the closing costs, especially those associated with the loan application, are paid in advance. Some typical buyer closing costs include the down payment, loan fees, inspection fees, prepaid interest, appraisal, title insurance, mortgage insurance, hazard insurance, and documentary stamps on the route.

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