Wednesday, September 28, 2011

There is a Style For Everyone

Everyone has their one preference when it comes to the style of the home they dream about living in one day. Below is a list of the most popular types of homes; see which one is the right fit for you. 

Art Deco- Known for its curves and high-gloss finishes, Art Deco homes evoke the feeling of 1930s glamour. Inspired by King Tut's tomb, this style includes repeat designs and vivid colors commonly found in Egyptian artwork. Art deco homes are most popular in Miami, South Beach.  Key elements include flat roofs, smooth walls, and bold exterior decorations. 

Cape Cod- Inspired by thatched cottages, the first Cape Cods were developed by early settlers from England in the 1600s. Traditionally, Cape Cods were very simple- designed symmetrically with a central front door and multi-paned windows on either side. Some key elements of this style include a large, central chimney, steep roof, windows and dormers, and shingle siding. Most Cape Cods can be seen in New England. 

Colonial- There are several types of Colonial architecture- Georgian Colonial, Spanish Colonial, German Colonial, French Colonial, Dutch Colonial, Federal, and Cape Cod. The style came about as European settlers came to North America, bringing with them architectural styles similar to those of their native countries. Key elements include a square shape, five windows across the front, moldings along the eaves, flattened columns on each side of the door, and shutters. 

Contemporary- Today's architecture styles are referred to as contemporary architecture. Easily confused with modern architecture, these two styles are not synonymous with one another. Although contemporary incorporates elements from a modern style home, it also concerns itself with energy efficiency and sustainable materials. 

Mediterranean- In North America this style of home is best known for modeling its architecture after the haciendas in the Spanish New World. Common features include red tile roofs, arches, and plaster resembling adobe. California and Florida are the most popular states where Mediterranean homes can be found. Along with the red tiled roof, arches, and stucco walls, ornamental details are a popular element in these homes. 

Modern- Modernism, a rebellion against classical architecture, encompasses several styles such as arts and crafts, art deco, and some ranch styles. Most modern homes feature an open living space, clean lines, technologically advanced elements, and is functional.  

Ranch-Ranch-style homes are one of the most popular architectural styles in Souther California suburbs. These one-floor homes are modeled after the casual style of Western ranches. Other key elements include asymmetry-shaped as "L"s or "U"s, sliding glass doors opening to the backyard, attached garage, open floor plan, and simple exterior.  

Tudor- This architectural style is one of the most recognizable homes. Designed to be well-suited for cold climates, it is most commonly seen on the East Coast. Common features include steep, multi-gabled roof lines, decorated framing and entryways, massive chimneys, brick exteriors, and windows grouped in or two, three, or four.

Still not sure what type of home is for you? Take this great quiz on HGTV and find out!

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